BIOAROMAS | Mejorador SapCor BIO
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The management of manure on farms is receiving increasing attention. It is a common point between animal welfare and the circular economy. The SapCor Bio product provides a natural solution to reduce odors, mitigate the impact of ammonia concentration, and simultaneously improve productivity parameters. SapCor Bio contains a significant source of triterpene saponins, extracted from the milling of Espina Corona (Gleditsia amorphoides). When added to the diet, saponins pass through the digestive tract without being absorbed and are excreted in the feces. In the excreta, the components of the Espina Corona bind to ammonia and prevent it from being released into the air. The benefits of saponins are numerous and act on physiological parameters of digestion. They facilitate the functioning of the liver and pancreas, thereby improving animal welfare and consequently their feed conversion capacity. Saponins have antiprotozoal capacity, making them an effective tool for combating parasites such as coccidia, responsible for many diseases and decreasing yields in farms worldwide.



Kraft paper bags of 25 kg



Poultry: 0,150 to 0,400 Kg/ton of feed


Pigs: 0,150 to 0,200 Kg/ton of feed


Cattle: 0,150 to 0,200 Kg/ton of feed


Horses: 0,150 Kg/ton of feed


Peces: 0,200 to 0,500 Kg/ton of feed


Fish: 0,150 to 0,300 Kg/ton of feed

Curapaligüe 6451,  3° piso, B1605CNF Munro,

Buenos Aires Argentina.

(5411) 5263-0235